Song of the Week is from one of Canada’s best exports in music- Drake. Headlines is a great song taken from Take Care. I personally feel in this song he feels as though he’s finally starting to reach the pinnacle of his success and is seeing a lot things come with it; but regardless feels the need to flexand show that he’s really ” the guy ” now.
I remember hearing this song when I was living in the Netherlands five years ago jumping from tram to tram trying to get to my destination. Not everything went perfect for me that year but I always hoped that one day I would reach that pinnacle similar to what Drake is rapping about.
But over time I’ve started to realise the journeyand the process of life just in general is so much more valuable than any pinnacle you can hit.
Salute to Drake, this song is an inspiration. And like any golden oldie song I’m going to rinse playing it now, till I get sick of it!
Give me your song of the week. I want to know what impacts you.
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