
I don’t listen to chart music. But in the past year or so. You can’t get away from this tune even if you wanted to. I’ve heard it in bars;  in the barbers; walking though shopping centres all across the UK. Songs like these are real heavy spinners that keep the lights on in record labels.

The concept of the song kind of reminds me of one of my favourite ever songs by Miguel called Face the Sun.

” My heart is in Havana.. my heart is in Havana. ” I say it’s similar to that Miguel  song because this song – similar to that one- illustrates how no matter what happens or is said or done. Where I go in life, how far I go or who I may/ may not ” end up with .”  You belong to that one person.

I think that’s not just true with relationships but also careers, education and life.  We all have our Havana’s.

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