
This blog  was supposed to be done around the start of the year but to be honest I really didn’t know what to write so I just left it as a draft. I didn’t understand what was being said, but sonically I did think it sounded on point.

Coming back to do SOTW I saw Matthias’s choice in draft and I had to do it.

Everybody has a vice of some sort. If you say you don’t you’re lieing! Or you just haven’t lived long enough.

One of mine was that I used to watch a lot of Television Programmes back in uni.  Getting embroiled into another series or movie just helped numb the pain and forget the traumas life brings. This is similar to the artist saying ” I’m facing the bottle.” I’m not saying any vice is better or any vice is worse. Some of the most successful and highly productive people have vices. But with any vice or  behaviour when it starts becoming a blockade and no longer medication, it has to go.

The funny thing about these lyrics is that I still didn’t understand what the artist Offiah was saying until I typed in: Trouble- Offiah on Genius haha. It all makes sense as a result. Even the video makes so much more sense now too. Anyway give the song a listen.


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