
One of the most icoonic lines I’ve ever heard from songs is one of  Jay-z’s line: ” Lock my body you can’t trap my mind..” I feel as though lines that have so much in common with this week’s choice.

I don’t really like watching the news, listening to politicians or reading mainstream newspapers, for a variety of reasons. I don’t want to start sounding like those conspiracy theorists that are just ranting about what’s wrong with the world  because they also take it too far. But those politicians and news programmes talk about what the masses and the average joe who’s comfortable want to hear. The only issue with that is that not everyone is an average joe and there are people who’s stories aren’t being listened to.

For instance if I was running those publications and programmes. I would want to show the acts of humanity that are being done in the world( to inspire others to do the same) , try to show how inequality is not helping communities around the world flourish and we need to do more to help those not as fortunate. I would try to show to give a voice to the voiceless who are just trying to make a better life for themselves. I could go on and on lol.

Instead of showing this and talk about real issues and real people on a regular basis. Let’s talk for the next hour about brexit! Brexit you know! When over 100 people died in a burning building caused by….

I’ve got to stop lol I could really go off on one. All I’m saying is that if you care about real people we’ve got to refuse the crap that they’re trying to sell us. Because I’ve cancelled my subscription to what they’ve been putting out a long time ago.

Thanks Kofi for your choice I hope you like the write-up and it was great meeting you at Snobcon.



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