Monthly Archives August 2018


When I saw this song on the sheet -after getting home from Surface Gallery- I was like SORRRRRY!!  I HAVE to do this song first. This is such a smooth song, Yusef just gave me an excuse to rinse this song! I like to listen to all sorts of people on Youtube, podcasts and things like that. I love listening to this dude- you may have heard of him- called Gary Vaynerchuk. He’s an awesome guy to listen to, really knowledgeable, inspirational  and everything like that. One thing he talks a lot about a lot is gratitude be grateful for
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I’ve heard this song everywhere. On TV adverts, in between movies, walking through shopping centres, but I didn’t know who wrote this song or who the artists were or anything like that. That’s why I love doing SOTW,  awesome  people like Indy are putting me on to stuff! There’s this author that I love to read his books. He was telling a story of how he was walking in the city where he lives and a young fan( around 16) recognised him and said to him: “Hey I love your books. I’m a writer too I’d love to get a
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I love the moves these guys are making, really flying the flag for Britain in an authentic way. Like the music feels like they’re being real, I love that. I always heard growing up people saying: Be Yourself, be yourself! Even I preached it to other people whenever they ask me for advice. But did I always act that out? Not always. I may have said this in a previous blog but I’ll tell it again. I remember when Jill Scott said in an interview that she was in a relationship for  a period of time and it finished really
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I really like how Jaden Smith is developing, don’t you?  Like he’s dope rapper he seems like he’s got his head screwed on and is pursuing a tonne of ventures. If you’re reading this you’re probably aware of the incredible legend his father is and sometimes coming out from under that shadow can prove a very difficult thing to do. We usually see a tonne of rich parents’ kids going crazy  or people in different genres or walks of life seemingly not living up to the expectations society puts on them. Those expectations-for me- are ridiculous. Let people live and
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