I’ve heard this song everywhere. On TV adverts, in between movies, walking through shopping centres, but I didn’t know who wrote this song or who the artists were or anything like that. That’s why I love doing SOTW, awesome people like Indy are putting me on to stuff!
There’s this author that I love to read his books. He was telling a story of how he was walking in the city where he lives and a young fan( around 16) recognised him and said to him: “Hey I love your books. I’m a writer too I’d love to get a publisher to represent me and take my books on.. How can I do that?”
He was so impressed by her fervour and vigour and just simply told her: ” Start a blog and tell great stories.” But she seemed confused and thought there was some sort of connections or contacts that she needed and wanted to know them. The author again just told her: ” Tell great stories.”
I heard him tell this story years ago and at first I thought it was a bit harsh but after starting my own brand I started realising why he said what he said. Simply because if what you’re doing is that good and is going to sell in stores and be legendary do it for yourself first and people will share what it is that you’re doing.
I hope that didn’t discourage the girl and she continued writing but that’s all it sometimes comes down to creating greatness for the people. That’s what we will to continue doing for all the readers, buyers and people following the brand. We believe what we’re doing is legendary, simply because we’re focused on you.
Enjoy the song I hope it helps you in your journey of legendaryness 🙂
Thanks for the choice Indy!!
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