I know we haven’t done SOTW in some time, I just needed to take a bit of a breather from doing this for a little bit.
Have you ever heard the saying freedom is never free? It’s stupid, right? In order to be free it’ll cost you something. Look at it in the the numerous amounts of revolutions in Europe, Women’s suffrage in England, and the Civil Rights fight in America; people died fighting for freedom, buildings were destroyed and businesses were abolished. These are pretty high costs for freedom, if you ask me!
But they’re necessary, why ? Because they’ve come to a point that the alternative is unacceptable. And that means by whatever means! They’re lives now have to change, they have to be free!
Granted it can be argued as to what Nina Simone is actually referring to here, in terms of actual freedom. It can be up for debate. But I feel as though given who she is and what she went through in here career, I certainly feel as though my deductions are not far from what she was putting across in her artistic format.
We write blogs on people’s choices to create a feel good environment to help you in your walk of life so that you can realise your dreams :). Thanks for your choice Di and it was great meeting you at the Surface Gallery event. All the best.
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