It is very rarely that I come across an AfrobeatsĀ song that I enjoy listening to but I can say with absolute certainty this is a song I genuinely love after hearing it a number of times.
I don’t like touching on sensitive subjects such as race on my blog. But after watching the video of this song and hearing the content it will be like not addressing the elephant in the room.
Growing up being dark-skinned or “African” was usually frowned upon and I think that was the same experience that a lot of darker skinned people have had growing up within the western world. It’s so funny that nowadays I see people of all ethnicities turning up to Afrobeats music. I was driving yesterday andĀ I pulled up to a red light and this white boy in a Corsa pulled next to me and he was blasting some West-African sounding music, I was so shocked!
But that’s what I feel the world is now moving toward as the racist old people start to die off, us younger ones who have been growing up in an integrated society start putting our prejudices away; the world will be a much better place.
Thanks for putting us onto this song Martha. Really smooth choice.
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