This song is so real on so many levels.
I love to watch interviews and read books of people in ( or previously in )prominence. From Sophia Amoruso to Eminem; from Spartacus to TLC( the band) I want to hear their stories. One commonality I started to see in almost all these people’s stories was that almost all of them they had some sort of vice that would keep them sane. And I feel as though everyone has something, and we’re not exempt because sometimes life can get really hard.
This song reminds of an interview I saw with Macklemore who overcame a drug addiction. He said it got to a period where it became easier for him to resist the habit after the early withdrawal symptoms. However when it became really tough was when he was by himself and left to his own devices.
I’m not one to judge anyone or say this is bad or that is worse we all have our own shit that we’re dealing with but songs like this from 070shake are beautiful. They make you realise you’re not the only one going through whatever it is you’re going through. Keep making progress there’s always hope.
Thanks for your choice Amy. I checked out your magazine on instagram. I believe it was called The Tings, right ? Looks dope all the best 🙂 😉
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