
When I saw this song on the sheet -after getting home from Surface Gallery- I was like SORRRRRY!!  I HAVE to do this song first. This is such a smooth song, Yusef just gave me an excuse to rinse this song!

I like to listen to all sorts of people on Youtube, podcasts and things like that. I love listening to this dude- you may have heard of him- called Gary Vaynerchuk. He’s an awesome guy to listen to, really knowledgeable, inspirational  and everything like that. One thing he talks a lot about a lot is gratitude be grateful for what you have and as someone that is naturally very ambitious that’s something I really need to hear.  It’s just as important to harvest what you already have rather than always being on the hunt.

In this case Maxwell is talking about a significant other and I feel as though its 1000% the same thing.

You can’t be in a relationship with someone and that person puts 100% effort in and the other person puts 10% effort in; its impossible to work long term. Whatever that isn’t appreciated will eventually be taken away.  I hope everyone reading this can actively try to appreciate what you already have- I will also certainly try to too myself.

Hope you had a good bank holiday weekend.


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