Sometimes remixes to classic originals are just like NOOOOOOOOOO!!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!.
I’m not going to lie I was a bit sceptical at first when reading Alexandra’s choice. Like can it really do the original song justice? But after hearing it I really think it does and I realised how wrong I was to be sceptical.
In life you change you get older you reinvent yourself and you leave an imprint on the people you’ve met; influencing them in one way or another. For instance, with me, I remember when I was a teenager in GCSE’s and went to a pub with a friend and played real-life pool for the first time in my life. And this is what my friend -at the time- would play on a weekly basis with his father. That led to me going home and just chilling on Miniclip. And I saw 8 ball Miniclip pool and thought: ” Why don’t I play that, can’t be too different from what I was playing earlier { that day}!”
And up until now if I get some free time I’ll play 8 ball pool online. But on Facebook now and not Miniclip! This is like 8 years running haha!!
My point is, music can leave an imprint on us too and some musicians feel like they need to pay homage and remix the song that has left such a large imprint on them. And in a way, this song is re-inventing a Bill Withers’ classic for new generations to enjoy in the club or wherever it’s played.
And for me, constant re-invention and progression is vital. Not just in music but in life too even it’s just small, slow and gradual.
We write blogs on people’s choices to create a feel-good environment to help you in your walk of life so that you can realise your dreams :). Thanks for your choice Alexandra and it was great meeting you and Yusuf at the Surface Gallery event. All the best.
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