What I love about doing this is that I get to discover new music I haven’t heard before or re-listening to songs I haven’t heard in a long time. This week’s song of the week comes from a new band called London Grammar. I’ve never heard of them before but their clearly making waves. I can’t really go into an explanation about this because I don’t fully understand what the root of the song was about. All I would predict is that it is about maintaining your support for someone through thick and thin. But hey, I might be wrong!
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Posts by Nnanna
I honestly got so giddy when I was told of this week’s song of the week. I remember hearing this song for the first time 10 years ago at a bbq I was invited to. But I haven’t heard it in such a long time, it really does take me back. The artist talks about something I’m sure everyone has felt at some point. Being mesmerised by a certain someone, or just a “crush”. All I would say in regards to this song is choose wisely who you decide to be mesmerised by. As one of the most expensive things
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This Song of The Week comes from Daniel. I remember hearing this song in uni. When The Weeknd’s trilogy mixtape was flying around Youtube and social media. In this song he was clearly talking about a girl he was involved with ( whatever capacity it may have been) that did something secretively against him which he found out about. This song is so deep on so many levels. I say this because he talks about this in a relationship context. But this can be applied to life in general. There are so many times I’ve said or done something which
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Song of the Week is from one of Canada’s best exports in music- Drake. Headlines is a great song taken from Take Care. I personally feel in this song he feels as though he’s finally starting to reach the pinnacle of his success and is seeing a lot things come with it; but regardless feels the need to flexand show that he’s really ” the guy ” now. I remember hearing this song when I was living in the Netherlands five years ago jumping from tram to tram trying to get to my destination. Not everything went perfect for me
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Thank you Craig for the email and your participation. Craig gave me a list of songs based off the song of the week post I did on Facebook. I didn’t recognise any of his songs lol. Apart from one. I heard this song years ago on TV and I just immediately felt how deep this song was. The Journey are talking about different people from different walks of life and how they’re all trying to be something/ or just progress from where they currently are. However they’re finding it’s not as easy as they think. But the Journey’s overarching message
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Influences- Nina Simone
As someone who only listens to select few artists I’m very specific with what I listen to. I recently watched two films on Nina Simone- the recent Netflix documentary and the Hollywood film- the American soul superstar. The Hollywood film received a lot of backlash for race reasons but I thought it was a good film to watch. The film may not have done her legendary status complete justice but it is great that productions are made to remember artists that inspire a whole generation after themselves. I don’t know if she would have known that the impact she had
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Whats Good. Been a minute. I haven’t done a blog in a long time. And I try to do it as often as I can to flesh out RMD a bit more. I was planning to do one on the 30th but then I started having serious pain in my abdomen. Not to go into specific details but I went to hospital had surgeryand now I’m currently on the mend. I was petrified because I never go to the hospital not even the GP because I’m never ill. But it was an experience. And made me realise the fragility of
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Opinions-Field Mob
People love to give opinions on your life. Some are valuable. Others are just trash. This is an old school rap throwback.
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Despite this entry says ” by Nnanna “. This blog is not by me. This blog is by someone that is connected and involved in the brand. Enjoy it. And if you’re reading this. Leave a comment, don’t be shy 🙂 . Trust me, as an introvert I know what being shy is. But there’s no need for that here. Anyway. Over to R.PANCHI………… What does RMD mean to me? RMD affects us all since I believe everyone has a dream we want to fulfil in life – but we might be afraid to take that risk or unsure exactly
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New Video
If you follw RMD on any of the social media platforms you may have seen a new video uploaded. Go check it out. Blessings
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