
The Guardian of the Galaxy theme song!!!! Haha. If you’re an avid fan of Electric Light Orchestra I’m very sorry but that’s what these movies do! I can certainly see why Rebecca picked this song. I’m not going to act like this song has a super deep meaning because I don’t think it does. If it does and I’m missing it please tell me because I’d love to be educated. Before doing SOTW my music taste was very- let’s say- predictable; but hearing something like this immediately raises your mood. It’s very difficult to hear a song like this and
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I sometimes here people say they hate religion and it seems too rigid and their not interested in being held down by rules. And : ” Why do religions take money from their congregations? What is all that about?” The thing I’ve seen- at least from my life- is that in my really really shit situations do you know what I needed more than anything else? Not money because money wouldn’t have helped  in  the really dire situations- but instead hope. Hope that things will get better, hope that knowing someone else out there in the world has been through
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When I saw this song on the sheet -after getting home from Surface Gallery- I was like SORRRRRY!!  I HAVE to do this song first. This is such a smooth song, Yusef just gave me an excuse to rinse this song! I like to listen to all sorts of people on Youtube, podcasts and things like that. I love listening to this dude- you may have heard of him- called Gary Vaynerchuk. He’s an awesome guy to listen to, really knowledgeable, inspirational  and everything like that. One thing he talks a lot about a lot is gratitude be grateful for
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I’ve heard this song everywhere. On TV adverts, in between movies, walking through shopping centres, but I didn’t know who wrote this song or who the artists were or anything like that. That’s why I love doing SOTW,  awesome  people like Indy are putting me on to stuff! There’s this author that I love to read his books. He was telling a story of how he was walking in the city where he lives and a young fan( around 16) recognised him and said to him: “Hey I love your books. I’m a writer too I’d love to get a
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I love the moves these guys are making, really flying the flag for Britain in an authentic way. Like the music feels like they’re being real, I love that. I always heard growing up people saying: Be Yourself, be yourself! Even I preached it to other people whenever they ask me for advice. But did I always act that out? Not always. I may have said this in a previous blog but I’ll tell it again. I remember when Jill Scott said in an interview that she was in a relationship for  a period of time and it finished really
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I really like how Jaden Smith is developing, don’t you?  Like he’s dope rapper he seems like he’s got his head screwed on and is pursuing a tonne of ventures. If you’re reading this you’re probably aware of the incredible legend his father is and sometimes coming out from under that shadow can prove a very difficult thing to do. We usually see a tonne of rich parents’ kids going crazy  or people in different genres or walks of life seemingly not living up to the expectations society puts on them. Those expectations-for me- are ridiculous. Let people live and
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Maison Des Reves

It seems like people can’t stop choosing the boy from Toronto as their song of the week I think that’s the fifth time someone has chosen Drizzy Drake. Just a testament to the impactful nature of his music. I initially couldn’t think what the main meaning of this song was. Until it actually dawned on me what the song was about, apart from being a sonically pleasing form of art to listen to, it is a hood  version of Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to ( insert the name of whoever’s birthday it is).. That’s what it is, which
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I feel the lyrics of this song so much.  What I’ve noticed in life is that to get what you really    consistent effort/ habit moving in a certain direction are required, it’s pretty much fundamental to success. However there are certain vital  pressure moments. The football is over( The World Cup) such a damn shame!  What I’ve seen in sport and in my own life sometimes is that success sometimes looks at you in the face and asks you if you’re actually ready for all of this?  After all your consistent effort, hard work and diligence in a moment
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I’ve heard this song before, but never reallly went out of my way to listen to it.  But what I”ve realised after actually properly listening is that I’ve heard this song 1000 times. It’s an instrumental that I’ve heard in so many rap battles and I’m sure I’ve heard it on some video games too! I have got anything too profound to say about the song and to be honest anything I say won’t do the song justice if you actually listen to it. Simply because the way he articulates his upbringing and the story he tells in this joint
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My first exposure to Anime/East Asian music influence was when someone introduced me to the girl band Girl’s Generation. Before that I didn’t really have an interest or even knew anything aboout that culture. But that girl group and their catchy songs definitely made more aware and interested in their culture.I now look out for the odd Girl’s Generation song and give it a listen. I understand this song is influenced by Japanese anime culture and it is not exactly the same,  but I love how this is now being integrated with Hip Hop. I love this, dope cultures being
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