
With the nature of the brand that we have, it can be very easy for us to get focussed on how we’re going to do this to inspire people or do that to spread good energy with people. Because ultimately we exist to try and motivate and be an adequate representation of a specific type of energy for you- the person reading this. However, the problem with this is that sometimes we lose perspective on how one actually makes a difference in the world.

I try not to talk too much about my personal life in blogs but this is something I just have to share. If you’re reading this you may or may not be aware of apartheid that happened in South Africa. Where ethnic people were marginalised  and oppressed by the white population there. Apartheid has been abolished and integration is now encouraged. However, there is still resentment from some of the black population with regards to the happenings of apartheid and some of the atrocities that have gone on. (I’m landing the plane what I’m saying will make sense soon).

So fast forward to this year. If anyone that doesn’t know Nnanna, Nnanna is single and he recently went on a date with an ethnic South African girl. A very pretty, beautiful person. However, upon digging deeper and speaking to her more on this date I saw very quickly how deep this hatred actually goes,  seeing the sentiment that she has is akin to how a lot of South Africans feel, she tells me.

I won’t share the precise details of our conversation but I will say this . No matter who you are whether you’re a white manager in Colorado (I see you Americans on our site ;p) or a brown millionaire in London it is very easy to blame other people for our misfortunes and shortcomings in life.  How do I know? Because I’ve done the same thing lol, I still do now and again lol.

I know things are harder if you’re ethnic ( because I am haha) but if we want to make a change in the world, if we want to make improvements in the world we live in for future generations we need to change ourselves first individually. From us making changes in ourselves we can then inspire others and the effect will snowball.

But hey!  We’re only here to spread good energy and inspiration bro. SOOOOOOO if you liked this blog, please be sure to share it with 5 friends.   Thank you Neen for your blog choice, holla at your boy! And it was dope meeting you at Surface Gallery last year.



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