Growing up and living with parents you always hear stories of this person and that person and how they were so impactful and how they did this or how it was back in the day. I remember growing up my Nigerian parents would always tell me stories of how the politicians in Nigeria did this or that. Hearing the names Babangida, Abacha and many others constantly flying about. I still can’t exactly remember what each of these men did or what part in Nigerian history they played all I know is that they’re prominent figures in the nation’s past.
Pedro’s choice is an example of this type of energy. When you’re living your life and you’re going from one place to another or you’re starting something new, without knowing it, you are actually living out your history. For me, that is crazy to think! So if you’re reading this, it is now a part of RMD’s history??.
I’ve always been half decent at academics, not amazing but half decent. When I finished my A-Levels I thought it would be a good idea to go to the Netherlands to do a degree-didn’t go well haha! Failed horribly haha!!
But the funny thing is that I feel as though sometimes certain things have to happen to you, for you to open your mind to what you’re really supposed to be doing. Because if I did really well in my course in Holland I’m pretty sure I would have settled down in Europe with a nice job, fancy European health insurance, and a Dutch Passport so I can get discounted RET transportation??. But the only issue with that is that I would never have tried to start something like RMD and I wouldn’t be meeting awesome people like Pedro, Neen, Alexandra, Yusuf, Dayla, Bianca, Johnny, Matthaeus, Mattias, just to name a few. I wouldn’t be able to talk to these people about their hopes, ambitions, futures. These strangers who for the most part I have nothing in common with, have been an inspiration to me and one another.
I hope that you’re on track to being in your hall of fame in whatever that industry or discipline is and I wish you all the best bruh!
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