Quarantine Diaries Part 1

This Quarantine thing is a real shock to the system, isn’t it? Not just on a global scale but also to the individual wherever he/she is living. I personally only started taking the whole thing seriously when they started closing my local gym and leisure centre which in turn meant no weekly football and no workouts. But the crazy thing for me now is that a lot of people have passed which is just insane, and reminds me that I need to change my regular way of living radically.

I watched something earlier today that explained why negativity and news of negativity seem to gain so much traction and they used a quote that I have to share- ” If it bleeds, it leads”. So essentially the more blood ( the more negativity) the more attention it will attract. The problem with the negativity bias is that our brains start seeing negativity in everything and everywhere all in the name of the media trying to gain greater shock value to garner more attention. That’s why people like myself exist we are here to change the status quo and instead of focussing on how bad everything is- Why don’t we check in on an old friend? Why don’t we see how our family is doing? Why don’t we join a Zoom chat and have a laugh? Or just watch funny videos on YouTube? Positivity breeds more positivity and this leads to us as human beings seeing opportunities for progression rather than opportunities for defeat and destruction.

But I’ve personally had this kind of conversation with most people in the past before and they’d say: ” Positivity is all good and that. But I’m not trying to lie to myself if things are shit.” My response to that is very simple and I like to ask a question. Do you watch the News? Or look on Twitter or any other form of news or social media? Their answer is usually: “Yes I do.” Okay, so do you think everyone on those platforms or the media is always telling the truth 100% of the time? Loool the answer is no. They have an agenda that they’re trying to push for greater shock value. So even if you feel like you’re being positive and lying to yourself, keep doing it! Because if you don’t someone else is going to impose their agenda onto you. Keep Going!!

We write blogs so that you reading this can feel better about yourself, on the path to realising your dreams. I will be trying to blog every week, let me know what you think and if this helped you 🙂

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