If you’re reading this you’ve probably seen the videos that people have been submitting to use where they are saying something positive/ inspirational and we absolutely love it! We’re convinced it helps people out there because it certainly motivates us too! One of the initial reasons I started the brand was to reach dreamers. Whether it be those that feel that they have reached their dreams and realised them or people that are on the path there. The reason is because it can feel like a lonely journey and that you’re the only one on the path, however that is
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Hope deferred makes the heart sick. I think I’ve said this in a blog before but its literally the first thing that came into my head upon hearing Emi’s choice. I heard someone once say everyone should have something they’re doing on a day to day basis( like a job) that they’re focused on and they should also have something that they are looking forward to or working towards( like a hobby or side hustle ). I get that statement when I think about it. Simply because the monotony of life with nothing to look forward to is like my
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This song is smoother than velvet! Honestly what is it with some people’s choices, I mean people really choose the creme de la creme of songs haha! It would be right for me to say I’ve never -really- been in love before. I mean sometimes looking back I “thought” I was but I really wasn’t lol. How do I know that ? Listening to this song I know straight away I wasn’t experiencing what LVD was singing about here. I mean what he’s talking about here is intense affection for somebody else to the point that you’re probably thinking about
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I know we haven’t done SOTW in some time, I just needed to take a bit of a breather from doing this for a little bit. Have you ever heard the saying freedom is never free? It’s stupid, right? In order to be free it’ll cost you something. Look at it in the the numerous amounts of revolutions in Europe, Women’s suffrage in England, and the Civil Rights fight in America; people died fighting for freedom, buildings were destroyed and businesses were abolished. These are pretty high costs for freedom, if you ask me! But they’re necessary, why ? Because
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Dan H
I remember meeting Dan and Curtis at the Surface Gallery and they asked me what type of hip hop I was into and I told them what I grew up listening to. They weren’t that impressed haha! And to be honest I can see why. The word play on this from Sticky Finghaz is insane. As someone who has dabbled in trying to rap in the past you tend to recognise and appreciate the construction of wordsmiths like this. You can tell a lot of thought and effort has gone into their craft, that is literally exuding through the raps.
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As you may or may not have seen in recent months we’ve been making moves in many ways. What we really need you to do, if you’re reading this is to engage with us! We want to be your favourite brand and be more approachable than we have been in the past. Tell us what artwork you want use to create, tell us the if you want to get involved with some of the things we’re doing and most importantly give us feedback!! We live to serve and what to know what you think about us. XO
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I was looking through my phone the other day and I was searching for something- I can’t remember exactly what it was now- like my car insurance details. And I saw this SOTW choice Rhea gave ages ago and I just hadn’t got around to it, so I thought I’d do a blog on it now. I remember growing up as a teenager you can be soo stupid. Getting into arguments with family and friends over really petty stuff saying that you hate them and I used to genuinely hate my life at one point and tbh there was nothing
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Listening to this choice you know straight away that it was picked by someone who has some musical background. This is a track that you put on and vibe to. It’s a classic! I feel like it’s been sampled quite bit as well? I’ve heard the melody in some songs and movies before. I don’t have too much to say about this song to be brutally honest. And I really don’t want to start making up some jargon that sounds pretty. I feel like the song is a vibe that needs to be played in the background at a house
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Sometimes remixes to classic originals are just like NOOOOOOOOOO!!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!. I’m not going to lie I was a bit sceptical at first when reading Alexandra’s choice. Like can it really do the original song justice? But after hearing it I really think it does and I realised how wrong I was to be sceptical. In life you change you get older you reinvent yourself and you leave an imprint on the people you’ve met; influencing them in one way or another. For instance, with me, I remember when I was a teenager in GCSE’s and went
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I feel like I’m just discovering a star artist in the making ? Thanks Baleem for putting us onto this guy I’ll definetely be looking out for him and the moves he makes. This is a really short song so it’s kind of difficult to go into a detailed explanation into what I feel about this song. What I would say is this. In life there are generally two things we look for meaning and love. And artistictially anything that is created by an artist usually revolves around these two these things. If you haven’t found your angel or on
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